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Contribution to my Learning & Learning Community (5304 & 5317 )

Writer's picture: Marche LeeMarche Lee

Updated: Jul 29, 2024


Reflecting on my learning journey is crucial because it helps me understand my progress and identify areas for improvement. By looking back on what I've learned and how I've learned it, I can see what strategies worked well and what didn't. This self-assessment allows me to make better choices in the future and develop more effective learning habits. Reflection also helps me to appreciate my achievements and recognize the effort I've put into my growth.

My self-assessment scores are as follows below:

  • Leading Organizational Change (5304)- 90

  • Resources in Digital Environments (5317)- 95

Continuing my journey through the Accelerated ADL program, I was able to dive into a deeper understanding of how to lead change in an organization utilizing the six sources of influence (personal motivation & ability, social motivation & ability, structural motivation & ability) and the 4 disciplines of execution (wildly important goals, lead measures, a compelling scoreboard, and accountability) in 5304. These strategies directly correlated with my ability to gauge the direction I needed to go for my publication article and media podcast project in 5317.

So how did these two courses work cohesively?

Digital resources like the podcast and article publication in 5317 align well with the six sources of influence and the four disciplines of execution in 5304, enhancing their effectiveness in driving behavior change and achieving goals. The six sources of influence were leveraged through both the publication article and podcast because both provided engaging content (personal motivation), enhanced knowledge and skills of educators (personal ability), fosters a community of like-minded individuals (social motivation and social ability) which will occur through my ePortfolio visitors and hopefully Edutopia's publication site, and provides easily accessible information and implementation tools to all educators (structural ability).

In terms of the four disciplines of execution, my podcasts and article on project-based learning with reflection through ePortfolios helps educators focus attention on key objectives presented in both projects by breaking down complex topics into manageable segments for the reader and or listener. They encourage action through practical tips (lead measures) such as the QR Code flyer presented in my publication article, track progress by sharing success stories (scoreboard) which was presented through the podcast episodes, and will maintain the accountability measure by regularly continuing to update podcast content and engaging with the audience beyond this course. Each of these assignments created a comprehensive approach to influencing changed behavior and achieving future sustained success.

Lastly, my podcast and online article supports self-differentiated leadership and facilitating crucial conversations by providing organizational leaders such as myself with diverse perspectives and insights that will help inform personal leadership styles and decision-making processes. Podcasts and articles offer varied viewpoints and expert opinions, helping leaders refine their approaches and stay grounded in their principles and wildly important goals. In crucial conversations, these digital resources serve as valuable tools for preparation and knowledge-building, equipping stakeholders with relevant information and strategies to navigate complex discussions effectively. By engaging with thoughtful content, leaders can develop better communication skills, gain confidence, and approach difficult conversations with greater clarity and empathy. Overall, digital resources enhance both self-differentiated leadership and the quality of crucial conversations by fostering informed, reflective, and refined interactions with all stakeholders.

Learning Community

During these two courses my learning community or circle was small. My learning community consisted of myself and Kimberely Goffney. Although, our group was small or much more like partners the contributions that we made to each other's assignments through the feedforward provided was thorough, challenging our minds, stretching each other out of our comfort zones by creating podcasts, and overall supporting each other significantly in order to achieve the success in submitting quality work. During these courses we reflected and dissected every assignment instructions for understanding and provided each other with feedforward whether it was a requirement for the assignment or not to ensure we were headed in the right direction. The main source for providing each other feedforward was through Google Docs comments. Utilizing this tool was very effective. It allowed for us to quickly receive and revise our work based on the feedforward provided. If it was an assignment that required another digital tool and to be uploaded on the ePortfolio, we would share ePortfolio links and text or call each other with the feedforward to enhance the quality of the assignment submission. Below I have included examples of how we utilized Google Docs Comments for feedforward.

In regards to revisions, throughout both courses there was only one assignment that required revision after submission. This assignment was my publication draft. Although the assignment was completed, I had not realized that my PDF viewer settings were not correct. Instead of it being set to "Full page Viewer" like it typically is, it was set to "One page Viewer". The lesson in this revision reflection was to be sure to carefully check every part of my ePortfolio page and ALWAYS have others double check behind me as well. However, the revision was made immediately after receiving my score.

As I went through the courses, I actively watched the videos and completed the readings in order to engage in the discussion posts and collaborate with peers. While in 5317, I was prompt with my postings, responses and assignment submissions, I would say that my area for growth would lie in 5304 where I struggled more towards the end with posting and responding to peers promptly, but I did submit all assignments on time. To address the area of growth in the next two courses as school will be back in session (teaching wise), I will be sure to re-establish a routine and set aside specific times for checking and replying to posts. I will utilize Blackboard phone push notifications and reminders on a magnetic calendar for my fridge.

Overall, I believe these reflections appropriately addresses my self-assessment scores. Taking time to reflect on my learning will enhance my understanding and retention of new information acquired throughout these two courses, as well as help me make connections to your broader goals and experiences forthcoming. I will continue to embody the growth mindset as I dive into the last quarter of my Master's in Applied Digital Learning at Lamar University. I am excited to see what lies ahead!



© 2024 By Marche Lee

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