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Resources for Digital Environments

The use of digital tools in the classroom has become essential in today's educational environment. By giving access to a multitude of knowledge and different viewpoints, digital tools improve teaching and learning by encouraging a more thorough grasp of subjects. They support a range of learning styles, allowing for individualized training and increased student involvement. Additionally, by facilitating teamwork and communication, digital technologies help students get ready for the demands of the contemporary workforce. Teachers should provide dynamic, engaging, and inclusive learning environments that foster each student's academic and personal development by utilizing digital tools.

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Publication Outline

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Publication Draft
Peer Review Rubric

Peer Review Rubric Explanation

Kimberely and I collaborated in our group to develop a thorough criteria for assessing each other's preliminary manuscripts. Clarity and Coherence, Content and Relevance, Research and Evidence, Originality and Creativity, and Organization and Structure are the five primary criteria that make up this rubric. There are ten points awarded for each category, for a total of fifty. The rubric functions as a succinct overview of our assessment criteria.


  • Clarity and Coherence: This criterion examines the work's informational communication and conceptual coherence. The degree of clarity and logic in the material is rated.
  • Content and Relevance: The caliber of the work itself is addressed in this section. It looks at the material's accuracy, depth, and relevance to the assigned topic.
  • Research and Evidence: This criteria centers on the extent to which the work's supporting research is comprehensive and trustworthy. This entails supporting claims with facts, figures, and other solid sources.
  • Originality and Creativity: This criterion looks at how novel and distinctive the ideas are, which inspires individuals to share their own perspectives.
  • Organization and Structure: This criteria examines the work's organization, the degree to which the introduction, body, and conclusion make sense when taken as a whole, and the natural flow of the content.
Each criterion has a numerical value out of 50, and thus allows for a quantifiable method of evaluating each draft's quality. Both of us identified what aspects of the work under review are successful and what needed improvement by decomposing the assessment process into precise criteria. 
Based on the criteria provided above, Kimberely gave me a peer score of 46.5/50. This score recognized that I have met the standards of the criterion with few areas of improvement necessary. 
Overall, the peer rubric allowed us to provide specific feedforward to elevate the work we have created. This collaborative effort ensured that the ratings were fair, holding each of us accountable, and challengings each others quality of work to continue to adhere by Carol Dwecks growth mindset theory.

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Media Project

Welcome to Out of the Box Learning Podcast, where we explore the dynamic and innovative world of 21st-century education. Below, I have shared some insights from my recent podcast episode, "Learning in the 21st Century," and provide supporting resources to enhance your understanding of modern educational practices. Additionally, I will link to my final publication draft on integrating project-based learning (PBL) and ePortfolios and connect these ideas to my overarching innovation plan.

In episode 1, we delve into the transformative nature of learning in the 21st century.

Key themes included:

1. Dynamic, Technology-Driven Learning: Emphasizing the shift towards lifelong learning, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and digital literacy.

2. Benefits of PBL and ePortfolios: Highlighting how these tools enhance student engagement and social-emotional competencies such as collaboration, expression, reflection, and ownership.

3. Integrating SEL with PBL: Discussing the importance of embedding social and emotional learning within project-based learning to foster holistic student development.

4. Implementation Strategies: Offering practical advice for educators on how to effectively integrate PBL and ePortfolios in their classrooms.


You can listen to the full episode here:​​​​​​

Episode 1: Learning in the 21st CenturyMarche Lee
00:00 / 09:45

To view the 8 steps on "How To Implement PBL x ePortfolios" Checklist as mentioned in episode 1, scan the QR Code!

In episode 2, I sit down with Kimberely Goffney diving into a quick Q & A session on why project-based learning and ePortfolios are gaining popularity in modern education, how PBL and ePortfolios enhance students' social-emotional competencies,  the importance of reflection through ePortfolios contributing to student learning, how can educators effectively implement these approaches in their classrooms, the challenges educators may face in the implementation process and how they can overcome them, and lastly Kim shares with us a personal PBL x ePortfolio success story!


Want to know a little more about Kimberely?








Kim is a passionate learning specialist dedicated to enhancing the learning experiences of students of all ages. With a zest for creativity and a love for educational innovation, Kim strives to empower individuals to reach their full potential through personalized learning solutions. Through her work, she aims to spark curiosity, foster a love for learning, and equip students with the skills they need to succeed in an ever-changing world. See Kim's ePortfolio for more.​​​


You can listen to the full episode here:​​​​​​​


Episode 2: Q & A Session on PBL x ePortfoliosMarche Lee & Kimberely Goffney
00:00 / 08:57

Connecting my Media Ideas to my Innovation Proposal

My innovation plan centers around creating significant learning environments that harness the power of technology and student-centered approaches. By integrating PBL and ePortfolios, we can transform traditional classrooms into dynamic spaces where students actively engage with the material, collaborate with peers, and take ownership of their learning.


Key components of my innovation plan include:


1. Student-Centered Learning: Shifting the focus from teacher-led instruction to student-driven exploration and problem-solving.

2. Technology Integration: Utilizing digital tools to enhance learning experiences and provide platforms for reflection and expression.

3. Real-World Applications: Connecting classroom activities to real-life situations to make learning more relevant and meaningful.

4. Interdisciplinary Approaches: Encouraging students to draw connections between different subject areas, fostering a deeper understanding and retention of knowledge.


For more details on my innovation plan and how it aligns with the ideas discussed in the podcast and publication, please visit this link.


Thank you for exploring these resources and ideas with me. By embracing innovative educational practices like PBL and ePortfolios, we can create enriching learning environments that prepare students for the complexities of the modern world. Stay tuned for more updates and insights as we continue this journey towards educational transformation. Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments. Let's continue to innovate and inspire!





I am excited to share my final publication draft, "Exploring the Benefits of PBL and ePortfolios". This article explores the benefits, challenges, and implementation strategies for these educational practices, providing a comprehensive guide for educators looking to innovate in their classrooms and take student-centered learning to the next level.

You can read the full draft here.

Publication Article Draft

Baines, A.M., De Vivo, K., Warner, N., DeBarger, A., Udall, D., Zuckerbrod, N., & Felsen, K. (2021). Why                 social and emotional learning is essential to project-based learning. Lucas Education Research.


Fitzgerald, M. S. (2020). Overlapping opportunities for social-emotional and literacy learning in                           elementary-grade project-based instruction. American Journal of Education, 126(4), 573–601.           


© 2024 By Marche Lee

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