Reflecting on my teaching practices, I would say that I have spent the majority of my teaching career being a person of content or context. Everything was more so teacher-led than student-led. After spending time in the ADL program it has shifted the way I run my classroom. I have always incorporated blended learning within my classroom because I know the importance of viewing information in different ways. However, once I picked my topic to be project-based learning for my innovation proposal I discovered the tremendous effects of incorporating project-based learning within the classroom. This leads to my course design structure. You will be able to see that there is an incorporation of blended learning as well as project-based learning throughout the course. Essentially this gives students the ability to capture information utilizing all learning styles so that each child feels like they have been reached throughout each unit or concept. Below I have addressed the questions necessary to catapult this course design.
What are your subject, level of instruction, and intended audience?
This course will be designed for 4th-grade science students learning the priority standard
(TEK) 4.6C: Demonstrate that electricity travels in a closed path, creating an electrical circuit.
The supporting TEKS that will accompany this priority learning standard are based on consistent scientific practices no matter the content being presented.
4.2B: Collect and record data by observing and measuring, using the metric system, and using descriptive words and numerals such as labeled drawings, writing, and concept maps.
4.2D: Analyze data and interpret patterns to construct reasonable explanations from data that can be observed and measured.
4.2F: Communicate valid, oral, and written results supported by data.
4.3A: Analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations by using evidence, logical reasoning, and experimental and observational testing.
What are the key institutional documents (i.e. syllabus, outline, accreditation standards, etc.) that will influence your design process?
The key institutional documents that will be used for this course are the weekly course outline, the weekly unit calendar, checklists, and rubrics.
What design approach have chosen? Why?
The design approach that has been chosen is blended learning. I chose this approach because blended learning allows for face-to-face instruction as well as online instruction. It provides flexibility, increases student engagement, and allows for student collaboration. Within the blended learning approach, I have also incorporated project-based learning. This adds to an additional learning experience that supports life-long learning through authentic experiences. Students can engage in hands-on investigations that are solely student-led building learning confidence and also contributing to increased student engagement and excitement towards learning.
Who controls the learning?
Throughout the course, the educator will initially control the learning experience in the introduction and build background knowledge. Then, the students will begin to take ownership and control over their learning once they begin exploring different electrical circuits.
Are you using competency-based education (CBE) or outcome-based education (OBE)? Why?
I believe this course will be an outcome-based education. While the learning process will address educational competencies, students will engage in a lot of student-led investigations on open and closed circuits, series circuits, and parallel circuits. Students will then engage in a project-based learning activity where they are given a problem and must create their solution. Students will upload all reflections and progress through their academic e-Portfolios.
How will you balance assessment Or/For/As learning?
For learning: Formative assessments through observation and quizzes
Of learning: Summative assessment at the end of the unit to evaluate the overall understanding of the concept.
As learning: Self-assessment tools through checklists and peer feedback rubrics
Are you moving your learners into deeper learning? If not, why not?
Yes, I am moving students into deep learning because while the beginning of the course may be simple tasks such as labeling and understanding the components of a circuit students will dive deeper in learning once they begin the exploration and explanation portions of the 5E model. Students will dive even deeper once they are challenged with the project-based learning activity. This will require students to take full ownership of their learning experience and move me towards a facilitator rather than the teacher providing information.
Below you will find my 3-column table, 8-week course outline, and weekly calendar. My next step is to create my video based on all the linked information below.