How do you change behavior utilizing the six sources of influence?
The influencer model includes six sources broken down into two domains. Those two domains are motivation and ability, which are subdivided into personal, social, and structural sources. According to (Buchler, 2008), in the motivation domain, we must make the undesirable behavior desirable, harness peer pressure, and design rewards while demanding accountability. In the ability domain, people must surpass their limits, find strength in numbers, and change the environment. To influence a behavioral change Buchler mentioned three strategies that could help drive the force of change in people regarding the six sources. Strategy one, suggests that we pave the way. This can include modeling what behavior you want to change. Strategy two, enlist the power of those who motivate. Make people take accountability for the behavior you want to be changed. Strategy three, seek the support of those who enable it. This means we want to gather people who see the vision for the change you want to succeed. We need to have people who believe in the initiative to help push the initiative.
Regarding my initiative, I can use the six sources in the following ways.
Personal Motivation- This will come with allowing students to use the COVA approach in their project-based learning activities. Teachers can choose when and how to implement PBL to fit their student's needs within their classroom.
Personal Ability- Providing teachers with the correct training and modeling sessions on how to implement PBL within the classroom. Students can be given examples of my ePortfolio and projects completed within the ADL program to show them that they can do anything that they put their minds to especially when given a choice on the presentation style.
Social Motivation- For students this looks like other students encouraging classmates that this will help them learn better while also having fun with creativity. For my colleagues, this gaining support from other teachers by sharing what has occurred in my classroom and the benefits. This ultimately leads to the next source of social ability.
Social Ability- Once teachers on my team as well as my classroom parents have seen the benefits of PBL, they will become my strength in numbers in helping to support and push this change initiative across the campus and onto the district level.
Structural Motivation- This will come from the implementation of a showcase wall. This will hold students accountable for their PBL activity, and reflective pieces through their ePortfolios so that they can see their ePortfolio QR Code on the wall. This QR code will allow their peers, parents, teachers, and administration to see their awesome work. Each teacher can do this with their class and it increases the excitement when students can pull out their phones to view their grade-level peers' work as well that isn’t in their class.
Structural Ability- This will be implemented when you flip your classroom from a teacher-led traditional style to a facilitation style where students can see that they can learn without sitting and listening to a teacher the entire time. This will be achieved more efficiently by assigning student roles to help manage the project-based learning environment while having a beautiful example for students to see that they can achieve it.
In the washed-up video, the young scientist needed at least four sources of influence to get students to achieve the desired result of hand sanitizing before touching the cupcake. The biggest source of influence turned out to be social motivation or peer pressure. The student reminding everyone else gained numbers in the amount of students that used the sanitizer or even went to touch the cupcake but turned back around to go grab sanitizer as well before they went back to the cupcakes.
It is important to explore all six sources of influence because it allows you to see which influence has the greatest impact on our change initiative, while also identifying did it take multiple sources to achieve the desired result of our innovation proposal.
Buchler, C. (2022). Harnessing Social Pressure.
Grenny, H. (2023). All Washed Up!