After reviewing previous students' ePortfolios, it gave me new insights and ways to add or take away from my very own ePortfolio in progress. One thing that stuck out the most to me in reviewing them is each student's personality showed throughout their ePortfolio and the assignments that were posted. It really makes the idea of COVA stand out. Many of those students took choice, ownership, and voice and utilized it through the authentic learning experiences that the ADL program provides us with.
In creating my own ePortfolio my colorfulness was actually inspired by the previous student Brooke. Her "Teaching in Color" theme helped me to feel confident in utilizing color in my ePortfolio as I am one of those teachers who LOVE color in the classroom as well. My ePortfolio is a direct reflection of who I am as a person. I have enjoyed the process thus far of creating and reflecting on the work that we have completed within the ADL program so far.
Lastly, creating the ePortfolio has driven me to include technology and my innovation proposal ideas within my classroom already and I cannot wait to continue or start the next school year off implementing these ideas with a new group of students from the very beginning of the school year. My current class has been engaging in many more projects and learning to create powerpoints to present the acquired knowledge about biomes and a career research project. Being able to see the deep engagement and hearing them constantly as "can we just work on our projects instead of doing ____" has brought joy to me. It proved that students being able to really take full ownership over their learning drives them to engage in the learning process more than the traditional educators think.
Below is my current ePortfolio!