I have gained so much knowledge from being a part of the ADL program thus far. I have discovered that there are so many more ways that we can integrate technology into classrooms and through professional development. This program has opened my eyes to the difference between having a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. Carol Dweck's book on Mindset gives us more insight by allowing us to use self-assessment questions to determine which type of mindset we have. I believe this course has pushed me more toward a growth mindset, however, we constantly have to talk about our fixed mindset as it is something almost all of us are naturally drawn to have.
COVA will be discussed through my learning manifesto beliefs as well as within my implementation plan. I also intend to have a blog post that describes COVA and the benefits of the COVA model for all learners. However, COVA will be showcased throughout the entire e-portfolio as I have been able to embrace having choice, ownership, voice, and authentic learning opportunities to showcase through the entire website.
My e-portfolio and all of my acquired knowledge will allow me to utilize my experience and research to market myself for new opportunities. Not only does it allow for reflection, but it allows for growth as well. In a digital forward world, I can embrace sharing my digital presence.
The biggest lesson was accepting that feedforward is the growth mindset. Feedforward challenges us to expand our ideas and see what areas we can grow in and add more value.