Commencing this journey at Lamar University to obtain my Master's degree in Applied Digital Learning has been challenging yet rewarding in the same breath. I have embraced the opportunity to acquire new knowledge on integrating technology in the classroom through disruptive innovation. After engaging in profound course readings, class discussions, and important methodologies such as the COVA Framework and the growth mindset presented by Carol Dweck, I was able to generate an innovative proposal. This proposal will support the idea of students engaging in more authentic learning experiences while building other skills that are vital to succeeding as a student in the 21st century.
As a means to help move my campus from reaction to pro-action, I began by pondering on ways I could cause disruptive innovation to the current teaching model. I was adamant about picking an innovation plan that would touch my heart and the hearts of those around me to want to help be the change. In doing so, I decided to create my innovation proposal as a cross-model between project-based learning (PBL) and e-portfolios. The proposal addresses the benefits of how this cross-model could be a catalyst for student success in the 21st century and beyond graduation.
In addition to generating my proposal, I needed to engage in a great deal of research to ensure that the stakeholders identified in my proposal would have a clear depiction of the initiative I was asking them to support. This research led me to building the foundation of of my literature review. The literature highlights the benefits of PBL as an assessment tool, its correlation with STEAM, and positive effective on social-emotional learning (SEL) skills. Then, it highlights the benefits of e-portfolios as an instructional technology tool and student reflective opportunities for PBL work. Through research, I was able to incorporate some of these findings when seeking permission for my innovation proposal.
As a result of the proposal and the literature, I was able to construct an implementation outline based on how I intend to carry out this initiative. With the aspiration of grasping the attention of my stakeholders and implementing this cross-model, this outline demonstrates critical thinking on how this outline with be developed and assessed throughout a 24 month timeframe. The outline showcases my plan to start this cross-model within my current 4th grade classroom and slowly working towards integrating within the campus and onto the district level. It addresses opportunities for feedback and improvements, while offering professional development sessions to other teachers who will be incorporated through different phases. Although, failure and setbacks are typically inevitable when working on causing a disruptive force in education, I have prepared myself for opportune times to make the necessary tweaks in each phase. The extensive outline will allow me to continue to move forward and stay aligned within the allotted time to achieve and fulfill the steps of each phase.
Lastly, after generating my proposal, reviewing literature, and creating an conducive implementation outline I learned about the "Power of Words". I was brought to understand that I am change and the sense of urgency behind this initiative. The power of what we say and how we say it makes all the impact on the audience we are trying to convey our message to. With that being said, I was motivated to create an inspiring video that highlights my innovation plan in its entirety. My goal for the video was to target minds and hearts. I wanted stakeholders to understand the importance and urgency of transforming traditional teaching/learning methods in our education system. I was filled with gratification when I showed a colleague on my grade level team the video and her eyes had tears. This made me realize that if I can impact one, there is a greater chance that I can impact all and for that I am excited to continue this journey of implementing my innovation proposal.
In conclusion, I have been able to assess my strengths and weakness through my contribution to learning within this course and will continuously work towards creating the best version of myself through the remainder of this program. I have began my growth and wealth of knowledge through two books. These books were Carol Dweck's "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" as well as Michael Horn and Heather Staker's "Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools". As I continue forth my journey in Lamar University Master's of Applied Digital Learning program and beyond, I plan to proceed with building my foundational knowledge through reading the next set of annotated books.